Forum Bioethik

Internationale Veranstaltungen/ International Conferences

14-18 August 2003
Aga Khan University, Karachi, Pakistan
Second Symposium and Workshop on ethical issues in Health Research in Developping Countries ;  more information: here

25-28 June  2003
Bursa in Turkey 
3rd National Congress of Medical Ethics 
Contact: Congress President  - Prof.Dr.Aysegul Demirhan Erdemir

8.5. -10.5. 2003
Talinn, Estland 
Internationaler Kongress: Europa in Aktion 2003- 
Menschenrechte für Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung 
Info: Inclusion Europe    http.//

23.April 2003
Aga Khan University, Karachi, Pakistan 
Question Time Ethics:
Abortion: The Islamic and legal perspective
A dialogue organized by the Bioethics Group of Aga Khan University  
more information: here

30. Oct- 3rd Nov. 2002International Leadership Conference for Leaders of the People First and Self Advocacy 
6th World Congress of Bioethics
Brasilia, Brasil
(with Peter Singer)
More information see: website of Gregor Wolbring, Canada

11.Okt.2002             Utrecht
Community Based Rehabilitation in perspective 
past, present and future directions... 
13.00-18.00 Uhr, Mattheuskerk, Utrecht 
More information:

13 March   2002      London
Human Genetics Alert presents: 
Why Should I Be Concerned about Human Genetics? 
When: Wednesday March 13th 6:30 - 8.30pm (refreshments from 6 pm)
Where: room 2D, University of London Union, Malet St, London WC1.
Admission: free.
Access: the venue is wheelchair accessible. Information.

December 6-9 December 2001 at the King’s Park Conference Centre, Northampton,UK 
Central England People First is hosting this conference to bring together approximately 100 international leaders of People First organisations and the broader Self Advocacy movement to discuss how we can work and support each other to make the movement stronger.
If you are interested in attending this conference please fill on the internet at to receive a full registration pack.
Address: Leadership Conference, CEPF, PO Box 5200, Northampton, NN 1 1ZB, United Kingdom

European Network of (ex-)Users and Survivors o Psychiatry 
The Network are planning a conference in Ljubljana, Slovenia, from 16-18 November 2001. As usual, the Conference will only be open to (ex)users and survivors.

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